
🐠 What’s for Dinner? 🍣 We’re having sashimi + smoked salmon paired w/ a freshly squeezed lemonade + fruit. 🍒 You? 🍋

10 Ways to Find a Little More Happiness

10 Ways to Find a Little More HappinessSometimes the quest for happiness can be as confounding as Indiana Jones looking for lost treasure. Just when you think you have a clue, some giant boulder comes rolling toward you Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} 10...

Why We Should Help Boys to Embrace All Their Feelings

Why We Should Help Boys to Embrace All Their FeelingsYou’re given a choice: Would you rather spend your day feeling happy, versus happy interspersed with some moments of sadness, frustration, and anxiety? Most of us would choose the first option in a heartbeat....

The Importance of Fostering Emotional Diversity in Boys

The Importance of Fostering Emotional Diversity in BoysYou’re given a choice: Would you rather spend your day feeling happy, versus happy interspersed with some moments of sadness, frustration, and anxiety? Most of us would choose the first option in a heartbeat....

Happiness Hacks: 7 Creative Ways to Boost Your Mood

Happiness Hacks: 7 Creative Ways to Boost Your MoodHere’s some of the most creative ways I’ve ever seen to build your happiness. They’re from the new book, “Happiness Hacks”. Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} Happiness Hacks: 7 Creative Ways to Boost Your...

How to Stop Being a Control Freak

How to Stop Being a Control FreakLast autumn, horrific wildfires raged near our home. People we knew were losing their houses left and right. In the midst of disaster, I had to leave town for work. To make myself feel better, I typed up three single-spaced pages of...

6 Pathways to Mental Health You Probably Don’t Know

6 Pathways to Mental Health You Probably Don’t KnowWant to get familiar with 6 pathways to psychological happiness? Hear the stories and tips of 6 people, as well as the latest research, to help you find your way! Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} 6...
To Handle Increased Stress, Build Your Resilience

To Handle Increased Stress, Build Your Resilience

To Handle Increased Stress, Build Your Resiliencebettmann/Getty Images Wherever you live or work, stress is on the rise. According to the International Labour Organization, workers in developed and developing countries are facing increasing strain at work. The...

Episode 4: Learning to Laugh at Yourself

Episode 4: Learning to Laugh at YourselfWhat should you do when you thought you had it all — but learn you’ve had it all wrong? Discover what our happiness guinea pig did to bring more joy and humor into his life. Source: Greater Good Science Center {$inline_image}...

How to Start a Kindness Revolution

How to Start a Kindness RevolutionKindness. That’s a word we don’t hear a lot these days. Perhaps it seems antiquated in our competitive, social-media-infused, politically contentious culture—reserved for fools and chumps, not for those who want to get ahead. But...

Are You Sabotaging Your Happiness?

Are You Sabotaging Your Happiness?Could racing to tick all the tasks off your list every day be undermining your happiness? Source: PsyToday – Happiness Are You Sabotaging Your Happiness?View On WordPress

How to Feel Good at Work

How to Feel Good at WorkLearn how to use your imagination to increase happiness at work. Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} How to Feel Good at WorkView On WordPress
Power Can Corrupt Leaders. Compassion Can Save Them

Power Can Corrupt Leaders. Compassion Can Save Them

Power Can Corrupt Leaders. Compassion Can Save ThemAndrew Nguyen/HBR Staff In 2016 John Stumpf, then the CEO of Wells Fargo, was called before Congress to explain a massive scandal. For more than four hours, Stumpf fielded a range of questions about why the bank,...

Marriage and Happiness

A good marriage is one of the life-factors most strongly associated and consistently associated with happiness. Good relationships make people happy… Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} Marriage and HappinessView On WordPress

How Mind-Wandering May Be Good For You

How Mind-Wandering May Be Good For YouWhen writing a song or a piece of prose, I often choose to let my mind wander, hoping the muse will strike. If it does, it not only moves my work along but feels great, too! That’s why I was troubled by studies that found an...

My Short List for Creating a Happy Relationship.

My Short List for Creating a Happy Relationship.Here’s my list of nine simple things that give any relationship the best chance of happiness. Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} My Short List for Creating a Happy Relationship.View On...

Developing Novel Drugs via Harvard Business School

Joshua Krieger, Danielle Li, and Dimitris Papanikolaou develop a new measure of drug novelty based on molecular characteristics, and explore the tradeoffs involved in decisions to develop more novel therapies.   Description — Joshua Krieger, Danielle Li, and...

How Money Changes the Way You Think and Feel

How Money Changes the Way You Think and FeelThe term “affluenza”—a portmanteau of affluence and influenza, defined as a “painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste, resulting from the dogged pursuit of more”—is often...

Quieting Your Inner Critic

Are you too hard on yourself? Our Happiness Guinea Pig spent most of his life behind bars. Discover the research-tested practice that helped him quiet his inner critic. Source: Greater Good Science Center {$inline_image} Quieting Your Inner CriticView On...