by HappyQuotient | Apr 2, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
It’s important to challenge yourself with new projects, but taking on more tasks may require you to let go of others. Constantly evaluate your current slate of projects to know what else you have time for. For each task, ask yourself: Does completing this...
by HappyQuotient | Apr 1, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
If you want time off from work to develop a new skill — by attending a class, going on a retreat, or participating in a fellowship — you need to make a strong case to your boss. Start by considering the connection between what you want to learn and the...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 30, 2018 | HBR
The Most Common Type of Incompetent LeaderJakub Domerecki/EyeEm/Getty Images A young friend recently remarked that the worst boss he ever had would provide him with feedback that always consisted of “You’re doing a great job.” But they both knew it wasn’t true — the...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 29, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
When you’re starting out in your career, and have limited work experience, it can be tough to gain credibility. Your coworkers won’t see you as a crucial part of the organization until you prove yourself to be one. Start earning your colleagues’...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 28, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
We sometimes try to be efficient by using as few words as possible to communicate a message. But a one- or two-line email can waste everyone’s time if colleagues have to decipher the meaning or write back to clarify next steps. Don’t assume that others...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 28, 2018 | HBR
How Mindfulness Protects You as You Get OlderIn our minds, old age is often associated with a variety of ills, from aches and pains to forgetting where you put the keys. But research consistently finds that older adults tend to experience more positive emotion than...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 27, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
Too many workplace policies emphasize what employees shouldn’t do. But overly paternal and punitive rules don’t communicate that you have confidence in your people and trust them to behave as adults. When drafting personnel policies, focus on conveying the...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 27, 2018 | HBR
How to Hardwire Resilience into Your BrainOne winter, I went camping with my friend Bob in the backcountry near Sequoia National Park. After spending the day slogging uphill through deep snow, we were exhausted but needed to make camp. As the temperature rapidly...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 26, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
It’s no fun to toil away at a job where you feel taken for granted. But don’t sit around waiting for people to notice your or your team’s good work. Find ways to highlight your contributions. For example, ask your boss if you can talk about your...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 26, 2018 | HBR
Episode 9: Can you Predict What Will Make You Happy?Do memories of your past affect your happiness today? Susannah Cahalan was young and healthy when she was struck with a mysterious illness. Learn how writing about her “month of madness” in the bestselling book,...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 25, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
The dangers of overpricing your work are obvious: You can lose the deal and scare clients away. But charging low prices can signal low quality, making clients hesitant to work with you. To be sure you aren’t underselling yourself, develop a network of trusted...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 23, 2018 | HBR
Stress At Work: 10 Ways You Can Better CopeCoping with stress is important for not only your happiness, but your health. Here are some approaches you can try. Source: Forbes Coaches {$inline_image} Stress At Work: 10 Ways You Can Better CopeView On...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 22, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
Having a passive-aggressive boss can be frustrating. Whether they’re limiting access to information you need or giving you the cold shoulder when you disappoint them, it’s hard to address the negative behavior without triggering repercussions. Approach...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 21, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
It might seem easy to get a job for which you have all the right credentials, but many managers hesitate to hire someone who seems too good for the role. So go out of your way to counter any assumptions the hiring manager may have. For example, they might think that...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 21, 2018 | HBR
Seven Insights to Help You Make Sense of Gun ViolenceIn the first decades of the 21st century, the United States has been engaged in a large-scale social experiment revolving around this question: What happens when we flood communities with firearms of all types, from...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 21, 2018 | HBR
The Single Most Important Determinant to HappinessWhat is the #1 determinant of happiness? Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} The Single Most Important Determinant to HappinessView On WordPress
by HappyQuotient | Mar 20, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
When someone is 100% sure that they’re right, convincing them otherwise can be tricky. To help the person consider another point of view, use two conversation cues. The first is to ask questions: If the know-it-all is clinging to one side of an issue, you can...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 20, 2018 | HBR
Nine Scientists Share Their Favorite Happiness PracticesHow can we create a happier world? That question is on many people’s minds today, as we celebrate the sixth annual International Day of Happiness. This event grew out of a United Nations resolution affirming...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 20, 2018 | HBR
Greek Philosophy and the Key to HappinessOn this International Day of Happiness, what lessons can we learn from ancient Greek philosophers like Aristotle? Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} Greek Philosophy and the Key to HappinessView On...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 19, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
Constructive feedback is essential for getting better at your job, but a colleague may hesitate to give it if they’re worried about hurting your feelings. To ease their fear, try three strategies. First, introduce the conversation by giving yourself negative...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 19, 2018 | HBR
How the Medical Industry is Improving Life for Japan’s Aging Population – SPONSOR CONTENT FROM THE GOVERNMENT OF JAPANEveryone in Japan knows its citizenry is getting older at a faster rate than that of any other nation. But for outsiders, the most striking insight...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 19, 2018 | HBR
Episode 8: How to Find Your Best Possible SelfDoes imagining your future make you more happy–or more anxious? Our happiness guinea pig looks ahead for inspiration to improve her life now. Source: Greater Good Science Center {$inline_image} Episode 8: How to Find Your...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 18, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
We all have tasks that we put off and put off, but actually accomplishing them is rarely as bad as we expect. Sometimes beating procrastination is about just getting over the initial hurdle. Instead of forcing yourself to tackle the entire task at once, focus on the...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 17, 2018 | HBR
5 Questions to Help You Find Your Sense of PurposeThe science is beginning to show that purpose– not pure happiness– is what helps our well-being. Here’s how to begin the search for yours. Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} 5 Questions to Help You Find Your...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 15, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
It’s possible to be friends with someone who works for you, but you need to set boundaries. For example, there may be times when you’re privy to information that will affect your friend, but it would be improper for you to share it. To make the friendship...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 15, 2018 | HBR
How Disney Empowers Its Employees to Deliver Exceptional Customer Service – SPONSOR CONTENT FROM DISNEY INSTITUTEPhoto Credit: Disney Institute By Bruce Jones, Senior Programming Director, Disney Institute What would Walt Disney Parks and Resorts be without its Cast...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 14, 2018 | HBR
Why is Finland so Happy?Finland has come top of the latest World Happiness Report. We would all benefit from understanding why. Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} Why is Finland so Happy?View On WordPress
by HappyQuotient | Mar 14, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
Having a tense conversation brings up a lot of negative emotions, leaving you feeling like an active volcano. To prevent an outburst and stay in control of your emotions, physically ground yourself in your environment. One of the best ways to do this is to stand up...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 14, 2018 | HBR
Mentoring Women Is Not About Trying to “Rescue” ThemJanina Pires/EyeEm/Getty Images We know that male mentors and sponsors are essential for helping talented women get ahead. When women are mentored by men, they make more money, receive more promotions, and report...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 13, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
It can be tough to leave work behind when you go home for the day, but having a routine can help. Before you leave the office, make a short phone call, sign a document, or respond to an email. This way you’ll end your day on a positive note of completion, and...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 12, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
Employees who are enthusiastic about their work are more diligent and productive. But not everyone knows which aspects of their job they’re most excited about. As a manager, it’s your responsibility to push them to find out. Help employees reflect on their...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 12, 2018 | HBR
Why People Lose Motivation — and What Managers Can Do to HelpBrandon Lyon/Getty Images At some point, every leader has dealt with a person — or, worse, a group of people — who has lost motivation. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? As much as we’ve been there ourselves,...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 12, 2018 | BLOG, Coaching, HBR, Health, Inspire, Resources, Wellness
Why People Lose Motivation — and What Managers Can Do to Help This article was originally published on Brandon Lyon/Getty Images At some point, every leader has dealt with a person — or, worse, a group of people — who has lost motivation. It’s frustrating,...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 11, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
To get your first speaking gig, you might be tempted to market yourself as a public speaker. But that approach could actually diminish your credibility. Audiences want to hear from authorities in a field, so conferences and other events aren’t looking for...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 9, 2018 | HBR
Happiness: 14 Ideas Leading to International Day of JoyWith International Day of Happiness approaching, take the time to review ideas that might enhance your gratitude and your joy. Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} Happiness: 14 Ideas Leading to...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 8, 2018 | HBR
How to Find Your Purpose in MidlifeMy youngest will be going off to college next fall, meaning I’ll soon be an empty nester. After having raised my kids for the last 22 years or so, a large part of my purpose in life will leave along with my son. I know I’m not alone...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 8, 2018 | BLOG, Happiness, HBR, Health, Inspire, Management Tips, Wellness
This article originally appeared on – Making Time to Really Listen to Your Patients Executive Summary Modern medicine’s true healing potential depends on a resource that is being systematically depleted: the time and capacity to truly listen to patients, hear...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 7, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
When you’ve got a packed calendar and an overflowing inbox, it’s tough to find time to think. But improving the quality of your ideas requires unstructured, reflective thinking. This activity helps you examine your assumptions and draw connections between...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 7, 2018 | HBR
The Common Denominator of HappinessHave you ever considered the toll social media might be taking on your well-being? A simple redirection of attention may be all we need to build the happiness we are seeking. Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} The Common...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 6, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
In an ideal world, your colleagues would give you direct, honest feedback. But if they’re not forthcoming, often you can find out what someone really thinks by watching their nonverbal cues. Learn to read facial expressions and body language to understand how...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 6, 2018 | HBR
What to Do If Calls, Texts, and Coworker Drop-bys Are Stressing You OutMalte Mueller/Getty Images Your back tenses. Your eyes dart. Your mind races. No, it’s not caused by an impending animal attack or even a scary e-mail from your boss. It’s receiving a text from a...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 5, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
Sometimes it feels impossible to stay focused at work. Mindfulness can help. Studies have shown that people who have a mindfulness routine are less distractible and better at concentrating. You can develop your own routine by scheduling three 10-minute mindfulness...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 5, 2018 | HBR
Is Gratitude Good for Your Health?After 15 years of research, we know that gratitude is a key to psychological well-being. Gratitude can make people happier, improve their relationships, and potentially even counteract depression and suicidal thoughts. But might the...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 4, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
Giving feedback is tricky, but especially for creative work, where “good” may be subjective. The next time you have to provide input on a piece of creative work, such as a design prototype or a website mock-up, start by signaling that your opinion is...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 1, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
It’s hard to think clearly when you’re under stress. Your blood pressure and heart rate rise, adrenaline and cortisol flood your body, and your survival instincts kick in — all of which interfere with decision making. To avoid making bad decisions...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 1, 2018 | HBR
How to Raise Happy KidsHow a little bit a freedom can bring a lot of happiness. Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} How to Raise Happy KidsView On WordPress
by HappyQuotient | Mar 1, 2018 | HBR
How Disney Encourages Employees to Deliver Exceptional Customer Service – SPONSOR CONTENT FROM DISNEY INSTITUTEPhoto Credit: Disney Institute By Bruce Jones, Senior Director, Disney Institute At Disney Institute, where we work with business professionals from around...
by HappyQuotient | Mar 1, 2018 | HBR
Kindness to others is the glue that helps us to form connections and find happiness in life. Except when it doesn’t. Some of us should learn to become bold and free instead… Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} Barely CordialView On...
by HappyQuotient | Feb 28, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, HBR, Management Tips, Tips, Trending
Negotiations are won in the preparation. And a key part of preparing is figuring out what relevant information you don’t have. Of course, you need to research your counterpart, their organization, and the context, but think about what details might be useful....
by HappyQuotient | Feb 28, 2018 | HBR
The Million Dollar link Between Wealth and HappinessMillionaire wealth is predictive of happiness and life-satisfaction, especially the top earners. But what also matters is how that wealth is acquired. Source: PsyToday – Happiness {$inline_image} The Million Dollar...