
T-ball: The ups and downs, and why it can be worthwhile

I just finished my third season as my oldest son’s T-ball coach. I’ve never missed a game or a practice, and I’m on my second age division where pitching is involved. I only say that stuff to be able to say this: it’s not a good game. The kids are great. I love that...

T-ball: The ups and downs, and why it can be worthwhile

I just finished my third season as my oldest son’s T-ball coach. I’ve never missed a game or a practice, and I’m on my second age division where pitching is involved. I only say that stuff to be able to say this: it’s not a good game. The kids are great. I love that...
Family Businesses

Family Businesses

Are you struggling with the complications of working in a family business? In this episode of HBR’s advice podcast, Dear HBR:, cohosts Alison Beard and Dan McGinn answer your questions with the help of Ted Clark, who runs the Center for Family Business at...

Art therapy: Another way to help manage pain

When we were kids, art time was often the best part of grammar school. Who didn’t enjoy coloring, drawing, painting, and cutting-and-pasting? It was fun, relaxing, and you got a wonderful euphoric feeling from creating something you made. We need to get back to that...

Autoimmune disease and stress: Is there a link?

A new study has raised the possibility that stress may cause autoimmune disease, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, because it found a higher incidence of autoimmune diseases among people who were previously diagnosed with stress-related disorders. I have patients...

5 habits for moms that help prevent childhood obesity

We are in the midst of an obesity epidemic in the United States. Currently 40% of adults and almost 20% of children are obese. The childhood obesity numbers particularly worry us, because the effects of obesity accumulate over time. A child who is obese is more likely...

Multigenerational fitness parks

Public parks look a lot different than they did just a decade ago. Sure, you’ll find swings and seesaws, but today they’re bigger, sturdier, and more ergonomically designed. And they’re often paired with colorful outdoor exercise equipment, making play at...

Multigenerational fitness parks

Public parks look a lot different than they did just a decade ago. Sure, you’ll find swings and seesaws, but today they’re bigger, sturdier, and more ergonomically designed. And they’re often paired with colorful outdoor exercise equipment, making play at...

Alcohol and heart health

I’m not a regular drinker, nor a teetotaler. But like many people, I enjoy the occasional glass of wine with dinner, and nothing tastes better than an ice-cold beer on a sweaty summer day. Besides, some alcohol is a toast to my long-term heart health. At least that’s...
Who Killed the GE Model?

Who Killed the GE Model?

afp/stringer/Getty Images Who killed GE? Of course, GE is not dead, and it may well revive and flourish as a company. After all, IBM came back from the dead in the 1990s. But the GE model is dead — and there’s a long list of possible suspects. The GE...

Healthy lifestyle: 5 keys to a longer life

How is it that the United States spends the most money on healthcare, and yet still has the one of the lowest life expectancies of all developed nations? (To be specific: $9,400 per capita, 79 years, and 31st.) Maybe those of us in healthcare have been looking at it...