by HappyQuotient | Jul 30, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Shana Novak/Getty Images In a world in which men dominate leadership roles, should we focus on changing the systems and structures that favor men at women’s expense? Or should we emphasize the tactics individual women can use to get ahead? Our research explored...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 30, 2018 | HBR
You can learn a lot about a person’s medical concerns by looking at the health topics they’ve searched for online. It’s fascinating (and a bit creepy) to take a peek at what others are searching — and to compare what you find to what sends you online. I’ve posted...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 30, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Jorg Greuel/Getty Images We’ve all experienced some version of this problem: Ask “how many customers do we have?” and the marketing team provides one answer, sales a second, and accounting a third. Each department trusts its own system, but when the...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 30, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
jessica solomatenko/Getty Images It turns out that the word “innovation” is not a Harry Potter-esque magical incantation that, once spoken, renders companies more inventive, creative, and entrepreneurial. The word can be uttered by a CEO speaking to...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 30, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
JW LTD/Getty Images Companies are using AI in all kinds of innovative ways to advance their businesses. If you’ve ever searched Netflix to watch a movie, AI (a recommendation algorithm) was no doubt used in your decision about what to watch. If...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 29, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 29, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 28, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 28, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 27, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 27, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 27, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Yuji Sakai/Getty Images “We lose $800 billion a year on trade, every year,” President Trump said in March when he announced his new tariff plan, referring to the size of the U.S. trade deficit in goods. Trump has lamented the U.S. trade deficit repeatedly,...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 27, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Carlos Osorio/Getty Images Young management consultants may be novices, but they’re sold as experts. Conversely, even experienced consultants, who legitimately present themselves as experts, still feel like novices when they embark on a new project. The...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 27, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
timsa/Getty Images A male friend of ours recently had a realization. He was walking through the bar at a private golf club, looking for a colleague he was meeting for dinner. The dark-paneled bar was filled with men and they all seemed to know each other. Will...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 27, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Patricia Toth McCormick/Getty Images Want to catch tax cheats? The government of Rwanda does — and it’s finding them by studying anomalies in revenue-collection data. Want to understand how American culture is changing? So does a budding sociologist in...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 27, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
pchyburrs/Getty Images Academic studies in the social sciences often find very different results. Even in disciplines like medicine, where one might imagine there to be a direct, physical relationship between the intervention being tested and its consequences,...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 27, 2018 | HBR
Opioid overdose is a frightening and potentially life-threatening event. Rescue drugs like naloxone are lifesaving, but the value of CPR doesn’t get as much attention. And it should. How does opioid overdose lead to death? Opioids (like oxycodone, heroin, and...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 26, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 26, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 26, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 26, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Lya_Cattel/Getty Images As the saying goes, “History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.” After a long exile, tariffs are back, and they’re being levied on billions of dollars of traded goods, ranging from steel and aluminum to...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 26, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Is a recent firing weighing on you? In this episode of HBR’s advice podcast, Dear HBR:, cohosts Alison Beard and Dan McGinn answer your questions with the help of Susan David, a psychologist, lecturer at Harvard Medical School, and the author of Emotional...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 26, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Andrew Lichtenstein/Getty Images I recently moderated a panel at a conference and asked the group of successful executives to describe someone who has been instrumental in their careers. Two panelists eagerly jumped in with stories of bosses who had mentored,...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 26, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Ryan McVay/Getty Images With U.S. household credit card debt at an all-time high of more than $1 trillion, delinquent payments can be more costly than ever. For companies, delinquencies can mean massive collection costs and write-offs of entire accounts. For...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 26, 2018 | HBR
Muffin top. Spare tire. Beer belly. Whatever you call it, research shows that extra fat around your belly poses a unique health threat. The study in the March 6, 2018 issue of the Journal of the American Heart Association involved about 500,000 people, ages 40 to 69,...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 26, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
When is it possible for David to beat Goliath in the platform economy? On March 25 mighty Uber bowed out of Southeast Asia by selling its operation in several countries to local rival Grab. The news came as a surprise to many observers. Grab, which launched its...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 26, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Orlagh Murphy/Getty Images A quiet revolution is taking place. In contrast to much of the press coverage of artificial intelligence, this revolution is not about the ascendance of a sentient android army. Rather, it is characterized by a steady increase in the...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 25, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 25, 2018 | HBR
Coffee is among the most popular beverages ever, enjoyed by millions of people worldwide each day. Estimates suggest that Americans consumed 3.4 billion pounds of coffee last year. When it comes to its health effects, coffee is also among the best studied beverages....
by HappyQuotient | Jul 25, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 25, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 25, 2018 | HBR
Coffee is among the most popular beverages ever, enjoyed by millions of people worldwide each day. Estimates suggest that Americans consumed 3.4 billion pounds of coffee last year. When it comes to its health effects, coffee is also among the best studied beverages....
by HappyQuotient | Jul 25, 2018 | HBR
Coffee is among the most popular beverages ever, enjoyed by millions of people worldwide each day. Estimates suggest that Americans consumed 3.4 billion pounds of coffee last year. When it comes to its health effects, coffee is also among the best studied beverages....
by HappyQuotient | Jul 25, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
hbrstaff/birdimages/Getty Images Productive: “Achieving or producing a significant amount of result.” Enough: “As much or as many as required.” As a time management coach, I’m keenly aware that you could answer the question “Am I...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 25, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Illustration by James Yang Language is a uniquely human capability and the manifestation of our intelligence. But through AI — specifically natural language processing (NLP) — we are providing machines with language capabilities, opening up a new...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 25, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Zachary Scott/Getty Images Public speaking is so stressful for so many people that it is routinely used as a stress manipulation in psychological studies. Tell undergrads they have 10 minutes to prepare a speech that will be evaluated by experts, and their levels...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 24, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 24, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Gerry Anderson, the CEO of DTE Energy, and Robert Quinn and Anjan Thakor, professors at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business and the Olin Business School at Washington University, respectively, discuss how an aspirational mission can motivate employees...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 24, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 24, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Peter Dazeley/Getty Images Culturally diverse teams, research shows, can help deliver better outcomes in today’s organizations. This is largely a good thing: Diverse teams have the potential to be more creative because of the breadth of information, ideas, and...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 24, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Walker and Walker/Getty Images At the law firm Allen & Overy, the idea of replacing traditional, annual performance appraisals with a technology-enabled continuous feedback system did not come from human resources. It came from a leader within the practice....
by HappyQuotient | Jul 24, 2018 | HBR
What do a can of corn, a take-out pizza, a reusable water bottle, a bright green yogurt, and an inflatable pool toy have in common? They all contain food additives or chemicals that can be dangerous for children. Over the last few decades, the number of chemicals...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 24, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
RichVintage/Getty Images “Go find your passion,’’ Henry directed his children when they reached their late teens and early twenties. “Find your interests outside our family business and pursue them.’’ As inspiring as those words may...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 24, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Alice Mollon/Getty Images In any organization, people apply unspoken rules and understood norms to get collective work done — in other words, they collaborate. Over the past 15 years, my team and I have observed and facilitated thousands of meetings and...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 23, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 23, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 23, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Jul 23, 2018 | HBR
Have you ever thought about starting a new job or school, and found your heart pounding and your mind racing with a series of “what ifs”? If so, you may wonder “do I have anxiety?” Anxiety is your body’s natural threat response system. When your brain...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 23, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Frank Schwere/Getty Images Like any psychological concept that booms in popularity, growth mindset — the dual belief that skills and abilities can be improved, and that developing your skills and abilities is the purpose of the work you do — is ripe for...
by HappyQuotient | Jul 23, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Clarity and consistency are key. from