Networking Myths Dispelled

Networking Myths Dispelled

David Burkus, a professor at Oral Roberts University and author of the book Friend of a Friend, explains common misconceptions about networking. First, trading business cards at a networking event doesn’t mean you’re a phony. Second, your most valuable...

Anxiety in children

While summer offers preschool and elementary school children a welcome break and chances to navigate new friendships and activities, it can trigger anxiety in children upset by unstructured time, changes in routine and friend groups, and transitions involving new...

Health benefits of walnuts

For many, choosing a healthy diet is all about sacrifice: foregoing the appetizers, cutting back on carbs or saturated fat, giving up dessert. But what if there was something you really liked that turned out to be good for you? No, I’m not talking about chocolate...

Diet and age at menopause: Is there a connection?

A study published online by the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health found a link between the type of food that women regularly ate, and the age they went through menopause. Specifically, they found that women who regularly noshed on servings of refined pasta...
Networking Myths Dispelled

Poor Communicators

Is miscommunication a constant problem at your workplace? In this episode of HBR’s advice podcast, Dear HBR:, cohosts Alison Beard and Dan McGinn answer your questions with the help of Holly Weeks, a lecturer at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of...

Lifestyle change as precision medicine

Are you frustrated that you dropped only a few pounds following a new diet, but your best friend lost almost 30? Why did the probiotics that helped your sister’s bloating sensation do nothing for you? Your coworker swears that going gluten-free made his joint...

Meningitis vaccines: What parents need to know

Meningitis can be a very scary infection — and vaccines can help prevent it. What is meningitis? The meninges are a membrane that covers and protects the brain and spinal cord. When that membrane gets inflamed, it’s called meningitis. One of the ways this inflammation...

Adolescence: A high-risk time for substance use disorders

Teens need to explore and challenge themselves to grow into independent adults, which sometimes involves taking risks. It can be a source of consternation and frustration for parents. But as it turns out, the adolescent brain is “deliberately” set up for risk-taking....

Adolescence: A high-risk time for substance use disorders

Teens need to explore and challenge themselves to grow into independent adults, which sometimes involves taking risks. It can be a source of consternation and frustration for parents. But as it turns out, the adolescent brain is “deliberately” set up for risk-taking....