by HappyQuotient | Aug 23, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Aug 23, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Have you taken extended time off due to an illness? In this episode of HBR’s advice podcast, Dear HBR:, cohosts Alison Beard and Dan McGinn answer your questions with the help of Anne Sugar, a cancer survivor and an executive coach. They talk through what to do...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 23, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
cintascotch/Getty Images Companies have been paying closer attention to work-family conflict and work-life balance over the last several decades. In many successful organizations, there is a heavy investment in offering programs that give employees more job-related...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 23, 2018 | HBR
Heading back to school sparks an upswing in anxiety for many children. The average child’s school day is packed with potential stressors: separating from parents, meeting academic expectations, managing peer groups, and navigating loud, crowded school hallways and...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 23, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
D-BASE/Getty Images Nearly every business leader I meet fears being overcome by tech-savvy upstarts. That fear drives their companies to invest millions into coming up with breakthrough innovations. But a sickening number of those investments fail. Truth is, you can...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 23, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Jens Schlueter/Getty Images Recently, the United States marked a record seven-year stretch of continuous monthly job creation, resulting in a historically low unemployment rate of 4%. In addition to signaling a strong economy, a tight labor market typically improves...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 22, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Aug 22, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Aug 22, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Illustration by James Yang The flight attendant had to ask her twice, “Anything to drink, ma’am?” “Oh, sorry. Water, no ice, please,” said Noelle Freeman, the CFO of Franklin Climate Systems. Watching the clouds out her window at 30,000...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 22, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Roland Birke/Getty Images Last December, Time magazine gave its award for person of the year to the “the silence breakers,” commemorating a broad societal awakening about the pervasiveness of sexual harassment in the workplace. As the #MeToo movement...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 22, 2018 | HBR
When it comes to protecting brain health, you may think about exercise, diet, or engaging in activities that challenge you. Yet most of us hop into the car to travel to work, do errands, go on vacations, or drive the kids’ carpool as a matter of habit. But driving is...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 22, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Roland Birke/Getty Images Last December, Time magazine gave its award for person of the year to the “the silence breakers,” commemorating a broad societal awakening about the pervasiveness of sexual harassment in the workplace. As the #MeToo movement...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 22, 2018 | HBR
When it comes to protecting brain health, you may think about exercise, diet, or engaging in activities that challenge you. Yet most of us hop into the car to travel to work, do errands, go on vacations, or drive the kids’ carpool as a matter of habit. But driving is...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 22, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Catherine Lane/Getty Images Sometimes it happens that a candidate who had the right credentials, seemed to fly through the interview process, and had lovely references turns out to be an unexpected problem after hiring. If it hasn’t happened to you yet, consider...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 22, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
PM Images/Getty Images Robert didn’t know what to think. How could he have misjudged the situation so badly? He felt angry, sad, and betrayed. Because of his impending retirement, Robert had carefully groomed a successor to take over his key project. The...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 21, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Aug 21, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
MirageC/Getty Images Last week, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren announced that she’s about to propose the most significant change in U.S. corporate governance in 100 years. We don’t yet have the full details, but one reading of her piece is...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 21, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Rebecca Shambaugh, a leadership coach, says being too collaborative can actually hold you back at work. Instead of showing how well you build consensus and work with others, it can look like indecision or failure to prioritize. She explains what to do if you...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 21, 2018 | HBR
Family meals are beneficial for so many reasons. People who prepare meals at home tend to consume significantly more fruits and vegetables, and less sugar and fat. People who enjoy meals at home with others, sitting together and conversing, also have reduced stress...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 21, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Tim Eillis/Getty Images Every manager knows the termination playbook: Be direct, keep it short, walk the employee out the door, shut down access to email, and so on. Having led three businesses, managed thousands of employees, and overseen hundreds of terminations, I...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 21, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Geri Lavrov/Getty Images Although the unemployment rate is currently at a historic low of 4%, economists are still struggling to understand why it remained so painfully high after the Great Recession—and why it took five years to return to its pre-recession...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 21, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Simon McGill/Getty Images Businesses understand the power of digital innovations to reshape industries and markets. Yet, time and again, they have struggled to innovate with new and disruptive technologies. Clayton Christensen and others argue that an...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 21, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Most organizations only focus on one. from
by HappyQuotient | Aug 21, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Russ Widstrand/Getty Images As technology transforms our economy, one trend is getting more and more attention: the prospect that it will increasingly automate the work that we human beings do. And it’s not just low skilled, manual labor that’s at...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 20, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
CSA Images/Colin McPherson/Getty Images NewTV, a new company focused on short-form video, just raised $1 billion dollars. That’s on top of the $750 million that its parent company, WndrCo, has raised for the venture. NewTV is the creation of Jeffrey Katzenberg,...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 20, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
N Farnon/Getty Images Home is a sanctuary from work stress, right? Not always. Even if you are able to leave your projects and worries at the office, your spouse may have difficulty doing so — and that stress can rub off on you. How can you help your partner...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 20, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
N Farnon/Getty Images Home is a sanctuary from work stress, right? Not always. Even if you are able to leave your projects and worries at the office, your spouse may have difficulty doing so — and that stress can rub off on you. How can you help your partner...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 20, 2018 | HBR
There is no way to meet the need for substance abuse treatment through the current healthcare system. The number of people who need treatment for drug and alcohol abuse is far greater than the number of clinicians available to treat them. In more rural areas, patients...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 20, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Andy Roberts/Getty Images Activist hedge funds have become capital market and financial media darlings. The Economist famously called them “capitalism’s unlikely heroes” in a cover story, and the FT published an article saying we “should...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 20, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Brigitte Blättler/Getty Images We all need time to unplug and recharge. Research shows that disconnecting — especially from email — can make us significantly less stressed and more productive. And yet, many of us are often hesitant to take the first...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 20, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Hayri Er/Getty Images The toll that the opioid epidemic has taken on the United States is undeniable. On average, 115 Americans die every day from a drug overdose involving an opioid, and even more suffer the debilitating effects of addiction. Despite state and...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 18, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Aug 18, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Aug 17, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Aug 17, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
CSA Images/Getty Images U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has proposed a novel way to reform corporate governance. It would require companies with more than $1 billion in revenue to get a corporate charter from the federal government (rather than from an individual...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 17, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Steven Puetzer/Getty Images At some point in our careers, we find ourselves in need of help from others — whether it’s to make a direct connection to a hiring manager, to gather information on a prospective client company, or to get help in learning...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 17, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Adopt these mindsets and behaviors. from
by HappyQuotient | Aug 17, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
VANDAL Photography/Getty Images Tara, an MD/PhD who works for a large public university, contacted one of us (Suzanne) a few weeks after participating in a negotiation workshop she ran, wanting to share some positive news about successfully negotiating an 11% pay...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 17, 2018 | HBR
The summer season is waning but we’re not done with the heat. Hot and humid weather can bring a host of heat-related problems: heat cramps, heat rash, heat exhaustion, heat stroke…. It’s helpful to be aware of these issues, especially as we experience changes in the...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 16, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Aug 16, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Caspar Benson/Getty Images Most leaders assume that they need to foster teamwork among the people whom directly and indirectly report to them. Teaming is now seen as the workplace equivalent of motherhood and apple pie — invariably good. The problem is when...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 16, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Daniel Hurst Photography/Getty Images As the concept of emotional intelligence has gone global, we’ve watched professionals founder as they try to improve their emotional intelligence (or EI) because they either don’t know where to focus their efforts or...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 16, 2018 | HBR
Parents of adolescents face a tough dilemma about substance use: we may want our children to be abstinent, but what do we do if they are not? The risks are high, as we’ve discussed in our blog about adolescent substance use and the developing brain. While parents can...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 16, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Daniel Hurst Photography/Getty Images As the concept of emotional intelligence has gone global, we’ve watched professionals founder as they try to improve their emotional intelligence (or EI) because they either don’t know where to focus their efforts or...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 15, 2018 | HBR
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by HappyQuotient | Aug 15, 2018 | HBR
Can you imagine if you went to your primary care doctor’s office for cooking classes? What if your visit included time spent planning meals, discussing grocery lists and the benefits of home cooking, and learning culinary techniques? If that sounds odd to you, it...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 15, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Carlo Allegri/Getty Images Working from home can be a coveted perk, allowing you to opt out of rush-hour traffic and eliminate the tedious banalities of office life. But it can also cut you off from the spontaneous interactions that can spark new insights (part of the...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 15, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
burakpekakcan/Getty Images Modern data science emerged in tech, from optimizing Google search rankings and LinkedIn recommendations to influencing the headlines Buzzfeed editors run. But it’s poised to transform all sectors, from retail, telecommunications,...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 15, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Harry Haysom/Getty Images Professional careers are notorious for demanding that people be single-mindedly devoted to work. It’s a demand that is often especially acute for men, who face rigid expectations that being a successful man requires having a successful...
by HappyQuotient | Aug 15, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Harry Haysom/Getty Images Professional careers are notorious for demanding that people be single-mindedly devoted to work. It’s a demand that is often especially acute for men, who face rigid expectations that being a successful man requires having a successful...