by HappyQuotient | Oct 24, 2018 | HBR
Losing weight is challenging, and it seems everyone has an opinion on the best way to do it. The bottom line is “one size does not fit all” when it comes to weight loss. Basic differences such as age, sex, body type, underlying medical issues, physical activity,...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 24, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Here it is/Getty Images You and about 20 of your coworkers are sitting around a crowded conference room table, discussing the details of some project. Some people are fighting for attention, trying to get a word in. Others won’t stop talking. Others have tuned...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 24, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Laurence Dutton/Getty Images In 1971, philosopher John Rawls proposed a thought experiment to understand the idea of fairness: the veil of ignorance. What if, he asked, we could erase our brains so we had no memory of who we were — our race, our...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 24, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Bjarte Rettedal/Getty Images Imagine if a single piece of legislation could effectively eliminate all U.S. corporate taxes, subsidize hundreds of millions of dollars in new corporate investment, increase the take-home pay of most U.S. employees, ease state and local...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 24, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Ragnar Schmuck/Getty Images Many managers of data science teams become managers because they were great individual contributors and not necessarily because they have the skills or training to lead a team. (I include myself in that group.) But management is a skill...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 24, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Thomas J Peterson/Getty Images There’s an old story about a tourist who asks a New Yorker how to get to the storied concert venue Carnegie Hall and is told, “Practice, practice, practice.” Obviously, this is good advice if you want to become a...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 24, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Thomas J Peterson/Getty Images There’s an old story about a tourist who asks a New Yorker how to get to the storied concert venue Carnegie Hall and is told, “Practice, practice, practice.” Obviously, this is good advice if you want to become a...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 23, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
David Smith, associate professor of sociology at the U.S. Naval War College, and Brad Johnson, professor of psychology at the United States Naval Academy, argue that it is vital for more men to mentor women in the workplace. In the post-#MeToo world, some men have...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 23, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Jetta Productions/Getty Images Many U.S. firms have long had a simple mantra: “Invent here, manufacture there.” But, increasingly, those same companies are now choosing to invent as well as manufacture abroad. From automotive to semiconductors to pharma to...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 23, 2018 | HBR
A highly effective psychotherapy called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on how our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes can affect our feelings and behavior. Traditional CBT treatment usually requires weekly 30- to 60-minute sessions over 12 to 20 weeks. A...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 23, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Jenner Image/Getty Images Much has been written about the troubling lack of women in leadership roles generally and in health care in particular. At Lilly, we have tackled this problem head-on. Our approaches, we think, can be helpful to other companies working to...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 23, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Marco Guidi/EyeEm/Getty Images The ability to understand and communicate about data is an increasingly important skill for the 21st-century citizen, for three reasons. First, data science and AI are affecting many industries globally, from healthcare and government to...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 23, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Maartje Van Caspel/EyeEm/Getty Images First, California passed major privacy legislation in June. Then in late September, the Trump administration published official principles for a single national privacy standard. Not to be left out, House...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 22, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
From the Women at Work podcast: Listen and subscribe to our podcast via Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | RSS Download the discussion guide for this episode Join our online community Download this podcast Have you ever offered up an idea in a meeting and...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 22, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
AFP Contributor/Getty Images When Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico in September 2017, it became one of the deadliest storms ever to hit the island. Nearly 3,000 people were killed and parts of the island are still recovering, lacking access to power and clean water...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 22, 2018 | HBR
Halloween is a magical day for children. They get to dress up, there are festivities at school — and, of course, they get candy. Here are some simple tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics to keep Halloween magical by keeping children safe. Safe Halloween...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 22, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
The United States faces a mental health epidemic. Nearly one in five American adults suffers from a form of mental illness. Suicide rates are at an all-time high, 115 people die daily from opioid abuse, and one in eight Americans over 12 years’ old take an...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 22, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Some years ago, at a former company, I began noticing a curious series of events. My manager and team practiced an egalitarian decision-making process in which we would meet, discuss everything from content marketing campaigns to social media tactics, and collectively...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 22, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Star CEOs can be good for companies, providing social proof that their firm is a high quality place and making it easier to attract capital and talent. But they can also be dangerous. The recent cases of Tesla, Papa John’s, and CBS exemplify this: all three...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 22, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Star CEOs can be good for companies, providing social proof that their firm is a high quality place and making it easier to attract capital and talent. But they can also be dangerous. The recent cases of Tesla, Papa John’s, and CBS exemplify this: all three...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 19, 2018 | HBR
You may have heard melasma referred to as “the mask of pregnancy,” because it is sometimes triggered by an increase in hormones in pregnant women. But while the condition may be common among pregnant women, you don’t have to be pregnant to experience melasma....
by HappyQuotient | Oct 19, 2018 | HBR
You may have heard melasma referred to as “the mask of pregnancy,” because it is sometimes triggered by an increase in hormones in pregnant women. But while the condition may be common among pregnant women, you don’t have to be pregnant to experience melasma....
by HappyQuotient | Oct 19, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Martin Barraud/Getty Images Global carbon emissions need to be reduced to net zero by 2050 to have a good chance of holding global average temperature rises to no more than 1.5oC, a level that would be disastrous, but not catastrophic for human civilization. So states...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 19, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
David Pereiras/Getty Images Facing escalating costs of medications and technology, health care patients and providers in the United States continue to search for opportunities to reduce overall costs while maintaining and improving health care outcomes. At the Mayo...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 19, 2018 | HBR
You may have heard melasma referred to as “the mask of pregnancy,” because it is sometimes triggered by an increase in hormones in pregnant women. But while the condition may be common among pregnant women, you don’t have to be pregnant to experience melasma....
by HappyQuotient | Oct 19, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Francesco Carta fotografo/Getty Images “I would not be caught dead in a pink suit now,” says Susan Perry, the founder of SpeechMED, a startup that translates complex medical information into language patients can understand. Clothing is just one of the...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 19, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
hh5800/Getty Images More and more big businesses are providing workplace protections for LGBTIQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer) people. It’s becoming clear that when workers can bring their authentic selves to work, they are more...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 19, 2018 | HBR
You may have heard melasma referred to as “the mask of pregnancy,” because it is sometimes triggered by an increase in hormones in pregnant women. But while the condition may be common among pregnant women, you don’t have to be pregnant to experience melasma....
by HappyQuotient | Oct 19, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Sven Krobot/EyeEm/Getty Images Even though self-awareness — knowing who we are and how we’re seen — is important for job performance, career success, and leadership effectiveness, it’s in remarkably short supply in today’s workplace. In...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 19, 2018 | HBR
You may have heard melasma referred to as “the mask of pregnancy,” because it is sometimes triggered by an increase in hormones in pregnant women. But while the condition may be common among pregnant women, you don’t have to be pregnant to experience melasma....
by HappyQuotient | Oct 18, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Creativ Studio HeinemannE/Getty Images As a college professor, I regularly train PhD students. In psychology and most fields of science, students are assigned to a project early on in their studies and learn key skills through an apprenticeship model. Many go onto to...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 18, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Do you deserve a higher salary? In this episode of HBR’s advice podcast, Dear HBR:, cohosts Alison Beard and Dan McGinn answer your questions in a live taping with an audience of compensation experts. With the help of Susan Hollingshead, the chief people officer...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 18, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Creativ Studio HeinemannE/Getty Images As a college professor, I regularly train PhD students. In psychology and most fields of science, students are assigned to a project early on in their studies and learn key skills through an apprenticeship model. Many go onto to...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 18, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Jorg Greuel/Getty Images Data skills — the skills to turn data into insight and action — are the driver of modern economies. According to the World Economic Forum, computing and mathematically-focused jobs are showing the strongest growth, at the...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 18, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Westend61/Getty Images One of the hardest things about introducing innovation or change in organizations is getting people on board. This is especially true in health care. As health care organizations are being pressured to cut costs, reduce medical errors, and adopt...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 18, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
SAUL LOEB/Getty Images Vice President Pence just made it all but official: The United States is in a cold war with China. Fed up with Beijing’s industrial espionage, market manipulation, and cyber attacks on the West, coupled with its bullying of neighbors and...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 18, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Big businesses struggling in an era of rapid transformation can learn a lot from the experiences of social entrepreneurs finding and adapting innovative solutions in difficult contexts. In the 1990s, when Afghanistan was being ravaged by war, a bootstrapped initiative...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 18, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
kuritafsheen/Getty Images The feedback in the 360-degree reviews was supposed to be anonymous. But it was crystal clear who’d made the negative comments in the assessment of one executive. Lance Best, the CEO of Barker Sports Apparel, was meeting with Nina Kelk,...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 18, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Barcroft/Getty Images Social media can connect us to new ideas, help us share our work, and allow previously unheard voices to influence culture. Yet it can also be a highly addictive time-sink if we’re not careful about our goals, purpose, and usage. Over the...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 18, 2018 | HBR
Many people have decided to try the ketogenic diet for weight loss. The most recent evidence shows that reducing your carbohydrate intake to a minimum may help you shed a few pounds, at least in the first few weeks to months. However, we don’t really know whether,...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 18, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Barcroft/Getty Images Social media can connect us to new ideas, help us share our work, and allow previously unheard voices to influence culture. Yet it can also be a highly addictive time-sink if we’re not careful about our goals, purpose, and usage. Over the...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 18, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Barcroft/Getty Images Social media can connect us to new ideas, help us share our work, and allow previously unheard voices to influence culture. Yet it can also be a highly addictive time-sink if we’re not careful about our goals, purpose, and usage. Over the...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 17, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Youngme Moon, Mihir Desai, and Felix Oberholzer-Gee are back with Season 2 of After Hours! In this episode, they debate whether the federal minimum wage should be raised, offer their personal reflections on a year of the #MeToo movement, and share their picks for the...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 17, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
TOSHINORI TARUI When interviewing for your next job, how can you impress your recruiter and increase your chances of securing a job offer? Of course you may wish to emphasize your ambitions and goals you hope to achieve as a result of working at the company —...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 17, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
TOSHINORI TARUI When interviewing for your next job, how can you impress your recruiter and increase your chances of securing a job offer? Of course you may wish to emphasize your ambitions and goals you hope to achieve as a result of working at the company —...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 17, 2018 | HBR
Caregiving can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Whether you are in the profession of caregiving or taking care of a loved one, it is important to remember to recharge your batteries. For family members, caregiving can also lead to additional pressures, such...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 17, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Tomekbudujedomek/Getty Images Customer experience (CX) goes beyond measuring the relationship between customers and companies; it is also about quantifying the hundreds of regular interactions and residual memories that influence future behavior. Specific tools like...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 17, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
STOCK4B-RF/Getty Images Medicine involves leadership. Nearly all physicians take on significant leadership responsibilities over the course of their career, but unlike any other occupation where management skills are important, physicians are neither taught how to...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 17, 2018 | HBR
Caregiving can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Whether you are in the profession of caregiving or taking care of a loved one, it is important to remember to recharge your batteries. For family members, caregiving can also lead to additional pressures, such...
by HappyQuotient | Oct 17, 2018 | Harvard Biz, HBR, Management Tips
Tomohiro Ohsumi /Getty Images Artificial intelligence (AI) is engendering all kinds of breathless headlines, from being able to play Go to spotting rare cancer tumors. But how will AI impact the economy in broad terms? The answer hinges on both on what AI...