Speak Out Successfully

Speak Out Successfully

James Detert, a professor at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business, studies acts of courage in the workplace. His most surprising finding? Most people describe everyday actions — not big whistleblower scandals — when they cite courageous (or...

Can a low-carbohydrate diet help keep weight off?

For your entire life you have been bombarded with information about which diet is the best to help you lose weight. Like many other people, you might have tried one or even a dozen diets, but it took a bit of trial and error for you to find which diet worked for you....

Can a low-carbohydrate diet help keep weight off?

For your entire life you have been bombarded with information about which diet is the best to help you lose weight. Like many other people, you might have tried one or even a dozen diets, but it took a bit of trial and error for you to find which diet worked for you....

Can a low-carbohydrate diet help keep weight off?

For your entire life you have been bombarded with information about which diet is the best to help you lose weight. Like many other people, you might have tried one or even a dozen diets, but it took a bit of trial and error for you to find which diet worked for you....

Smoking tied to more aggressive prostate cancer

If you’re a smoker looking for another reason to quit, consider this: in addition to raising your risk of heart and lung disease, as well as cancers of the bladder and kidney, smoking could boost the odds that you will develop aggressive prostate cancer that...

The new cholesterol guidelines: What you need to know

The new cholesterol guidelines from the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association are out! These guidelines — last updated in 2013 — have been highly anticipated by the cardiology and broader medical community. They have been approved by a variety...

The new cholesterol guidelines: What you need to know

The new cholesterol guidelines from the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association are out! These guidelines — last updated in 2013 — have been highly anticipated by the cardiology and broader medical community. They have been approved by a variety...

The new cholesterol guidelines: What you need to know

The new cholesterol guidelines from the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association are out! These guidelines — last updated in 2013 — have been highly anticipated by the cardiology and broader medical community. They have been approved by a variety...

What’s good for the heart is good for the mind

Right now the world is experiencing an epidemic that is projected to get much, much worse. It’s an epidemic of dementia, affecting 40 million people — and millions more of their caregivers — staggering numbers that will likely triple by 2050. Dementia is a progressive...

What’s good for the heart is good for the mind

Right now the world is experiencing an epidemic that is projected to get much, much worse. It’s an epidemic of dementia, affecting 40 million people — and millions more of their caregivers — staggering numbers that will likely triple by 2050. Dementia is a progressive...
How to Set Up an AI R&D Lab

How to Set Up an AI R&D Lab

Paper Boat Creative/Getty Images The moment a hyped-up new technology garners mainstream attention, many businesses will scramble to incorporate it into their enterprise. The majority of these trends will splutter and die out by Q4. Artificial intelligence (AI) is...

Healthy eating through the holidays

Holiday time is here again! So are the joys and challenges of holiday eating. The big challenge is to have fun at special occasions without jeopardizing some of the healthy practices you have worked on throughout the year. Here are some tips to help you survive the...

Putting a stop to leaky gut

Leaky gut gets blamed for everything from everyday stomach issues to pain to anxiety, yet it is one of the most mysterious ailments to diagnosis and treat. Part of the reason for this medical mystery is because the gut is such a vast and complex system. “Science...

Putting a stop to leaky gut

Leaky gut gets blamed for everything from everyday stomach issues to pain to anxiety, yet it is one of the most mysterious ailments to diagnosis and treat. Part of the reason for this medical mystery is because the gut is such a vast and complex system. “Science...
Speak Out Successfully

Sisterhood Is Power

From the Women at Work podcast: Listen and subscribe to our podcast via Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | RSS Download the discussion guide for this episode Join our online community Download this podcast It takes time and care to develop trusting...