
What’s in your supplements?

If you’re taking an over-the-counter supplement that wasn’t recommended by your doctor, you’re not alone — about half of the US adult population takes one or more supplements regularly. We spend more than $35 billion on these products each year. While it’s important...

What’s in your supplements?

If you’re taking an over-the-counter supplement that wasn’t recommended by your doctor, you’re not alone — about half of the US adult population takes one or more supplements regularly. We spend more than $35 billion on these products each year. While it’s important...

What’s in your supplements?

If you’re taking an over-the-counter supplement that wasn’t recommended by your doctor, you’re not alone — about half of the US adult population takes one or more supplements regularly. We spend more than $35 billion on these products each year. While it’s important...

A positive mindset can help your heart

Can being positive protect against heart disease? Yes! There is a lot of evidence suggesting that having a positive outlook — like being optimistic, cheerful, having gratitude and purpose in life — can be heart-protective. Researchers in the UK looked at psychological...

A positive mindset can help your heart

Can being positive protect against heart disease? Yes! There is a lot of evidence suggesting that having a positive outlook — like being optimistic, cheerful, having gratitude and purpose in life — can be heart-protective. Researchers in the UK looked at psychological...

Parents don’t always realize that their teen is suicidal

Parents like to think that they know what is going on with their children — and that they would know if their teen was suicidal. However, research shows that this is not always the case. In a study published in the journal Pediatrics, researchers interviewed more than...

Planet-friendly, plant-based home cooking

With all the news about the health and environmental advantages of eating less meat, many people are trying to eat more plant-based meals. But where do you begin? Instead of trying to cook an entire vegetarian meal from scratch, start with one small step and build...

Integrative approaches to reduce IBS symptoms

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a gastrointestinal condition that involves abdominal pain and altered bowel habits (constipation, diarrhea, or both), affects over 10% of Americans. Though some find the condition merely a nuisance, for many individuals it can be quite...