
Infertility: Maintaining privacy, avoiding secrecy

When Michelle Obama’s memoir, Becoming, was released in October 2018, several reviewers noted that her book reveals that the Obamas struggled with infertility. When I was lucky enough to receive a copy as a gift, I learned that Michelle and Barack didn’t simply have a...

Sweeteners: Time to rethink your choices?

When it comes to low-calorie sweeteners, you have a lot of choices. There’s the blue one, the pink one, the yellow one, or the green one. Whichever one you choose, know that scientists have probably studied it extensively. What they’ve found may surprise you....

Sweeteners: Time to rethink your choices?

When it comes to low-calorie sweeteners, you have a lot of choices. There’s the blue one, the pink one, the yellow one, or the green one. Whichever one you choose, know that scientists have probably studied it extensively. What they’ve found may surprise you....
Give Your Employees Specific Goals and the Freedom to Figure Out How to Reach Them

Critical Feedback

Do you need to get better at giving and receiving feedback? Dan and Alison answer your questions with the help of consultant Ben Dattner. They talk through what to do when your employee wants to give you feedback, your feedback to others doesn’t seem to make a...
Give Your Employees Specific Goals and the Freedom to Figure Out How to Reach Them

Critical Feedback

Do you need to get better at giving and receiving feedback? Dan and Alison answer your questions with the help of consultant Ben Dattner. They talk through what to do when your employee wants to give you feedback, your feedback to others doesn’t seem to make a...

Should I be eating more fiber?

You probably know the basics about fiber: it’s the part of plant foods that your body cannot digest, and there are two types — soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Both types of fiber are good for us. Soluble fiber dissolves in water, forming a gel. It is the form of...

Can facial exercises reverse signs of aging?

Patients often come into my office asking, “How can I look younger?” While I always recommend healthy living — a balanced diet and regular exercise — in order to look and feel younger, I have never thought of facial exercises as part of that regimen. That is, until a...

Can facial exercises reverse signs of aging?

Patients often come into my office asking, “How can I look younger?” While I always recommend healthy living — a balanced diet and regular exercise — in order to look and feel younger, I have never thought of facial exercises as part of that regimen. That is, until a...

Can facial exercises reverse signs of aging?

Patients often come into my office asking, “How can I look younger?” While I always recommend healthy living — a balanced diet and regular exercise — in order to look and feel younger, I have never thought of facial exercises as part of that regimen. That is, until a...

Can facial exercises reverse signs of aging?

Patients often come into my office asking, “How can I look younger?” While I always recommend healthy living — a balanced diet and regular exercise — in order to look and feel younger, I have never thought of facial exercises as part of that regimen. That is, until a...

Can facial exercises reverse signs of aging?

Patients often come into my office asking, “How can I look younger?” While I always recommend healthy living — a balanced diet and regular exercise — in order to look and feel younger, I have never thought of facial exercises as part of that regimen. That is, until a...

Should you try kettlebells?

Kettlebells. There they were in the fitness aisle of my local big box store: cute little candy-colored cannonballs with handles on them. I was drawn to them immediately — adorable pink weights that conjured images of me as an exercise goddess in a sunny meadow,...

Should you try kettlebells?

Kettlebells. There they were in the fitness aisle of my local big box store: cute little candy-colored cannonballs with handles on them. I was drawn to them immediately — adorable pink weights that conjured images of me as an exercise goddess in a sunny meadow,...

Got pain? Get better sleep

The cell phone blares out reveille. Your eyes open reluctantly and you realize it’s morning, having only gone to bed four hours earlier because of a late-night party. You creak out of bed to ready yourself for work, arthritic joints hurting much more than usual. A...