
Top coaches offer insights on leadership development & careers. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Post written by

Jenn Lofgren

Founder, Incito Executive and Leadership Development. Helping reactive leaders become strategic and inspiring leaders.

Jenn LofgrenJenn Lofgren ,


Have you been going through the motions as a leadership team, feeling siloed and more like bland vanilla pudding than leaders who boldly grow and inspire your organization? Even if you can’t describe it, you know that you could all be better as a leadership group.

In working with leadership teams that feel this disconnect, I often start by focusing on who they are as a team and what their collective manifesto is. Even if leaders want the same things for their company and teams, they may not have an agreed-upon commitment in how they’ll get there together. They do not have a team manifesto for their own leadership group.

What is a manifesto, and why is it important?

A team manifesto is a document that highlights:

• Behaviors that embody your shared team values and purpose

• How you work together

• What you do and do not stand for

• How you hold each other accountable to remain a united front

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