Quantum computing is one of those terms that sounds complex and scientific. And while it is in many respects, we’re now used to terms like “artificial intelligence” and “machine learning,” so quantum computing has a home, too, even in the business environment. As a technologist for different startups, I’ve always been interested in what else is on the horizon. Quantum computing is one of those technologies that I see gaining some traction in the business world.
What Is Quantum Computing?
Quantum computing attempts to solve what traditional computers have yet to figure out. According to a 2017 Forbes article, quantum computers solve what are known as intractable problems. These are the problems that are too complex, powerful and time-consuming for traditional computers, which can only address one task at a time.
On a scientific level, quantum computers work within the world of atomic particles and subatomic particles. In this world, the particles exist in multiple states at a time, allowing a quantum computer to operate in those same multiple states. This goes beyond the laws of physics and operates in an entirely different way than the one state of time that we exist within. It’s easy to immediately feel confused by this concept because human beings don’t know what it’s like to exist in multiple states of time.
Why Does It Matter?
It matters because our world is becoming more about ones and zeroes through all the data that is collected across every device we use, including our mobile devices and connected devices. Traditional computers are struggling to keep up with this data. Then there is also the growth we’ve seen in blockchain and cryptocurrencies, both of which require significantly more processing power and the ability to scale up for further growth in this area. Also, quantum computers can factor huge numbers, which make it ideal for improving internet security. Until that happens, these applications may not be able to progress to their full potential.
Additionally, there is more awareness of the critical need for energy efficiency. Traditional computers do not provide the best energy efficiency. And, if relied on for future needs, they will provide a significant drain on our natural resources. Lastly, the Semiconductor Industry Association have predicted we will no longer have the power bandwidth to keep all the computers around the world running by 2040. Yet if we can develop quantum computers on a commercial scale, we can address all of these issues.
A Place For Quantum Computing In Business
While it’s not like everyone in business will need a quantum computer on their desk, there are many applications that this technology will help propel. For example, quantum technology has already been put to work in certain devices, including flash memory found in smartphones and other mobile devices. It has also improved MRI machines and barcode readers. This is just the beginning. That’s because Market Research Media forecasts that quantum computing will be worth about $5 billion by 2020.
Every business is struggling with how to increase their online and mobile security measures to protect our digital identities and sensitive data. Encryption has been an area of security that has continued to develop, and thanks to quantum computing, it could finally really protect all of our assets. The problem to date has been that regular computers cannot use large prime number factorization. Yet quantum computers can, which means that a hacker could not use traditional computers to break the encryption codes.
Then there is the help that quantum computing can deliver to data analytics. Here, quantum computers can undertake very complex calculations and simplify them down as well as tack huge data problems easily. This can be applied to all types of industries, including airlines, retail, manufacturing and many more. For example, NASA has incredible amounts of data that can be analyzed through quantum computing to deliver effective and safer space travel.