Post written by
Heather Pinay
Heather is a brand expert who founded Authentically to allow others to unleash their fierce individuality, build success and reach customers
There is no cookie-cutter way to develop a personal brand. There is some logic to the steps, but there is also some chaos. There are multiple layers of psychology, understanding who you want to resonate with and truly understanding the core of who you are.
People can sniff out phony baloney brands from miles away. Have you ever met someone and thought, “Gee whiz, that person seems really inauthentic,” or had more of a visceral reaction, like skin crawling or a strong instinct to jet out of the room they’re in? It happens online too. You get a feeling that something is fishy or that you may be about to get swindled. The reason for this can be explained by neuroscience and the cry for authenticity.
In the meantime, you can take steps to define your personal brand strategy. I suggest you do this before you define your look. Without a foundation, any house will crumble.
1. Define your motivation.
This has to be deeper than “I want to change the world,” and it is more than the ROI you hope to see. This is the reason why you keep getting out of bed to do what you do. It’s why when your body is drained and you’re not sure if you can keep up, you keep on going. It is the reason why when you face a brash of criticism you are able to soldier on. It comes from the gut and is your impetus to push past your circumstances.
Ask yourself:
• When the going gets tough, what keeps me motivated?
• If I were to keep my eyes on the prize, what would that look like for me?