Post written by
Christina Jandali
Biz growth strategist teaching coaches to create solid cash creating strategies for their online business.
Connection is the currency of 2018.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve noticed that we’re in a rapidly growing digital era of disconnect. You walk down the street and people are glued to their phones, no longer paying attention to where they are going: bump, “Oh, sorry!”
You go to a restaurant, and couples out on a so-called romantic date hardly speak to each other. Instead, the glare of shining screens parades their checked-out faces.
You go to a kids sleepover and peel open the door to the playroom only to find a kid in each corner of the room, no face-to-face interaction. They’re communicating through games or social media via their devices.
Yes, this is a crazy world of digital addiction: the constant need to be plugged in and the fight from every social platform to win your attention and keep it so they can rake in the money that comes from selling ads.
And, who do you think the biggest name on the block is? You guessed it: Facebook.
Flocks of businesses have flooded their newsfeeds with “Buy this, buy that,” or “Look at me,” or “We’re the best!” or “You’re stuck, and here’s how I can help you.”
It’s taking a toll on the too big to fail platform.