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Erika Ashley

Publicist + biz strategist helping female entrepreneurs grow their revenue with innovative media + marketing strategy. http://erikaashley.co

Erika AshleyErika Ashley ,

As a marketing and publicity strategist, when clients come to me, they’re not concerned about securing press. They know they have a story or product worth sharing and they want my expertise to help them get into their dream publication. But what they don’t know is what they need to do after their company or name appears in a major outlet.

“How do I make the most of my PR feature?” is the most common question that I get.

And it’s an excellent question.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in PR is to let your press feature sit and collect dust. Yes, SEO will be there to help people find you from time to time, but it’s your job to leverage the press that you get as efficiently as possible.

These are five easy and effective ways to maximize the impact of your press features once they go live.

1. Add your feature to your website and social media profiles.

Make sure to include the logo of any places that you’ve been featured on your website and social media pages. For clients, I pick the logos of no more than 10 outlets and ensure that they get put above the fold (before someone has to scroll). You should also create a “media” or “press” page where potential clients and customers can learn more about your story and binge on media content that highlights your expertise.

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