Too many workplace policies emphasize what employees shouldn’t do. But overly paternal and punitive rules don’t communicate that you have confidence in your people and trust them to behave as adults. When drafting personnel policies, focus on conveying the company’s positive expectations of its employees. In your policy about when the workday starts, for example, state that you expect employees to show up on time — don’t go into detail about what “tardy” and “absent” mean. If your organization has a dress code, keep it as simple as you can — “Dress appropriately,” perhaps — and leave managers to provide more guidance to those who need it. And a code of conduct doesn’t have to get complicated — a good starting point is “Everyone is expected to act in the best interest of the organization and their fellow employees.” Stress to your employees what you want them to aspire to, not what will happen if they fail.
Source: Adapted from “The High Price of Overly Prescriptive HR Policies,” by Sue Bingham