
Researcher Ethan Rouen discovers that rank-and-file employees understand the boss deserves a big salary, but only when the number is fully explained.


Description — Researcher Ethan Rouen discovers that rank-and-file employees understand the boss deserves a big salary, but only when the number is fully explained.

Description of imported RSS feed item.

Title — If the CEO’s High Salary Isn’t Justified to Employees, Firm Performance May Suffer

Content — Researcher Ethan Rouen discovers that rank-and-file employees understand the boss deserves a big salary, but only when the number is fully explained.

Content of imported RSS feed item.

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 This article originally appeared on –

Permalink — http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/if-the-ceo-s-high-salary-isn-t-justified-to-employees-firm-performance-may-suffer?cid=wk-rss

URL of source article.

Date — January 15, 2018 5:00 am

Publish date of source article.

Source — http://hbswk.hbs.edu/stories-rss.aspx

URL of RSS feed.