
Addressing debates on the effects of real exchange rate (RER) movements on the economy,Laura Alfaro and colleagues examine manufacturing firm-level effects of medium-term fluctuations, in particular firm-level productivity across a wide range of countries.


Description — Addressing debates on the effects of real exchange rate (RER) movements on the economy,Laura Alfaro and colleagues examine manufacturing firm-level effects of medium-term fluctuations, in particular firm-level productivity across a wide range of countries.

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Title — The Real Exchange Rate, Innovation and Productivity

Content — Addressing debates on the effects of real exchange rate (RER) movements on the economy,Laura Alfaro and colleagues examine manufacturing firm-level effects of medium-term fluctuations, in particular firm-level productivity across a wide range of countries.

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Permalink — http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/the-real-exchange-rate-innovation-and-productivity?cid=wk-rss

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Date — December 14, 2017 5:00 am

Publish date of source article.

Source — http://hbswk.hbs.edu/stories-rss.aspx

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